Heavy Lifting
This morning I went to a yoga class on the 8th floor of an office building. The huge studio windows overlook a busy street that is under...

Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead your Life!
Close your eyes and bring to mind someone in a position of leadership. Who is this person? What makes him or her a leader? Did you think...
How to Make a New Friend
I recently had coffee with a new friend – I’ll call her Iris. Unlike the beautiful women with me in the photograph, with whom I have...

It is Still Dark at 5:30 a.m.
This morning, I woke up at 5:30 am. Again. Not on purpose. Lately, I have been waking up really early. I wish I could write that I always...

The Power of Music
Today I had a tough time getting going – even after my healthy morning routine. I was caught up in self-doubt and general angst – one...

The Diamond Rule
This morning over breakfast, my 8-year old son (and spiritual guru) was reflecting on the Golden Rule (treat others as you wish to be...

Mo Wisdom
“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.” ~ Mo Willems* Not enjoying the story in your head? You know, the one you keep...

On Doubt. I mean Fear. Wait! I mean Indecision…
For a long time, I had the following quote on my fridge (by Anne Morris, courtesy of a Starbucks cup circa 2006): “The irony of...

Leadership According to the Tao Te Ching
At the end of August, the prolific author, speaker, and spiritual leader Wayne Dyer died. For about a month afterwards, to celebrate his...

If it is in a Fortune Cookie, It Must be True!
I love that just 2 days after starting my blog, I got this fortune cookie message... Always nice to get a little affirmation with my egg...